Shipping / Terms and other important customer information
Thank you for choosing to shop online with www.CatholicPrayerCards.org.
Regarding shipping of your products we use the USPS for the majority of our our orders. We may ship via UPS if we see that their service would supply you with a quicker delivery at the same rate. If you need a overnight delivery please email us at orders@CatholicPrayerCards.org to arrange expedited shipping.
We ship anywhere in the world. US and International customers will most often receive their packages via USPS.
We tried to make our domestic flat shipping rate of $6.95 simple and affordable. Obviously every order's shipping expense will vary as to weight and cost. (Note: Icons, stationery, sampler packs and other bulky/heavier type items are slightly more due to weight) Any difference between our actual postage expense and the $6.95 flat rate domestic shipping charge will be used to help mail cards to our mission and ministry partners as well as to our troops overseas.
We tried to be fair to our online customers when setting this $6.95 flat rate. At the same time we must cover the rising costs from the US postal service. Thanks for understanding.
International orders up to 4 pounds will ship via USPS International Priority Mail at a flat rate of $39.95. If your order is over 4 pounds we will contact you via email for extra shipping options. Our stock holy cards are offered for a suggested donation amount and are not purchased, so for international shipments the declared value for these products is $0. We do list in full the commercial value for all of our other stock items such as medals, crucifixes, etc...as well as any custom produced items.
We must be notified of shipment discrepancies within 72 hours of receipt to receive credit. Any returned merchandise must be marked with a Return Authorization number. Email us at orders@CatholicPrayerCards.org to obtain an RA number and please include your name, the order number and the reason for the return. We will email you back the RA number. Merchandise returned for any reason other than defects or damaged goods is subject to a 20% restock fee (30% for any special order items-including icons which are drop shipped directly from the monastery that produces them for us, for any handmade/assembled items (including sampler sets) or for bulk quantity items drop shipped from one of our importers or for any items requiring specialty packaging) and must be complete and undamaged in original packaging. BOGO ORDERS WILL ALSO HAVE THE 20% RESTOCK FEE APPLIED TO THE FULL RETAIL VALUE OF THE BOGO MATERIALS RETURNED. There are no refunds on shipping costs. Returns without RA numbers will be refused. No returns after 30 days.
NOTE: Due to the fluctuation of precious metal pricing, all sales are final & non-refundable for silver coins.
We comply with all current Florida sales tax regulations . Outside of the State of Florida, taxes and law compliance are the responsibility of the purchaser.
We do not share your email address or other contact info with anyone else. By contacting us via email through this or any of our affiliated sites, or by placing an order with us, you will be added to our email database. We periodically will send out promotions and updates by email. If at any time you wish to be removed from our email list you can simply click the easy unsubscribe button at the bottom of any email you receive.
This current published online price list supercedes all previous price lists. All prices subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographical errors.
Regarding custom printed rush funeral cards:
Because of the critical time line needed for these products, when we receive an order for these Rush Funeral Cards, we stop everything we are doing and immediately start work on them. We are happy to help. Because the majority of our expense in producing them is having employees stop work on other projects and attend to the rush requirements of these orders, any order cancellations after typesetting has been started will be refunded half of the original purchase price.
Regarding our standard custom printed holy cards:
All of our work is custom and we have to pay our graphic designers per order whether or not the job is printed by the client. If you decide not to print the cards prior to proof approval we will refund your payment less the $17.50 setup fee and a 10% cancellation fee for the time that we have invested in setting up your order. We hope you will find this to be fair.
We will do all we can to have your cards arrive on time, but we take no responsibility for late deliveries of any of our products that are the fault of UPS or the Postal Service. We will try and assist you in receiving a shipping refund/discount for any service failures on their part that result in a late delivery, but we take no additional responsibility if they fail to meet their delivery times since those things are beyond our control.
Returned / NSF Check payments are subject to an additional $20 fee to cover the expense incurred from our bank.
Orders canceled before being processed through our shipping dept. will be refunded less the actual credit card fee charged by our processor, which is a fee we can not recoup, and a $1.39 transaction cancellation fee. This transaction fee also applies to any merchandise returned for any reason other than damaged goods and to any secondary credit card charges for add ons or special services requested on custom orders that have to be billed separately from the original online order transaction. Orders canceled prior to shipment but that have already been picked, packed and processed for shipping will be refunded less the 20% restock fee shown above.
By placing an order with www.CatholicPrayerCards.org or any of our affiliate businesses/sites, the purchaser agrees to comply with all of the above stated terms and conditions.
All of our materials are copyright protected, please respect that. Icon images are copyright © 2009, Orthodox Byzantine Icons, Inc.
No warranties are implied or expressed for our materials.
We do not discriminate against anyone, but we do reserve the right to refuse to print any materials that we find offensive or in contradiction to our religious beliefs.
We do not share your personal information with anyone else.
This site is owned by Catholic Prayer Cards, LLC - Tallahassee, FL.
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Wish you could get high quality, yet inexpensive, customized holy cards personalized with your special prayer or image?
Click HERE to find out how easy and affordable it is to personalize our prayer cards .
All images, prayer texts, graphic designs, printed materials and content of this site are
© 2025 Catholic Prayer Cards, LLC - Tallahassee, FL unless otherwise noted.